There’s a story out there that deserves more attention, in my opinion. It’s about the NBA deliberating over a team’s future, but it involves the media itself.
Terrific article, Ethan. This is what makes you unique in NBA circles- willing to say what you know, with honesty, without a desire to harm, but to let the truth be known. Here is the question that I have: Why do teams need Shams and Woj? If they were trading scoops for positive coverage, wouldn't that be far more effective with the local writers (since covering those teams isn't Shams and Woj's main job)? Couldn't the team go out what it wants to just as efficiently through Slater/McMenamin/McMahon/et al? Why do GM's/powerful execs need the newsbreakers? Is it a quid pro quo (where Shams/Woj are leaking crumbs to them on what other teams are doing)? That would make the most sense to me. If so, **that's** a huge story. But it would never come to light because it would harm both of the parties that could verify. I could only see it if one of the power players got toppled and then had nothing to lose by sharing (ala Tim Donaghy).
The only reason I would care is if the implication is that Shams wanted the Bulls to be penalized, for hiring an exec that favors Woz over him. THAT would be interesting. The rest is all self flagellation (by the news breakers, not you Ethan).
You correctly allude to the fact that no one should give a flying fig who breaks news first. But that’s simply another example of how shallow and superficial our society - and many of its people - really is. People should choose their media sources carefully, based on the quality and integrity of the product. Not based on who’s first.
Thanks Ethan. Your ability to see stories like this and put them together the way you do is the reason I chose to subscribe. I think what makes your clarity so startling is that your piece lays bare how out in the open so much of this is. But I would not have otherwise seen the connections you are reporting in that seemingly innocuous (albeit news breaking) tweet by Charania. When you first left The Athletic, I was concerned that development meant I would have less access to your reporting. But articles like this make me realize how much I am going to enjoy your writing with you unmoored (as you say in your Rachel Nichols piece ) by a “boss.”
Nice job Ethan. I have given you crap in the past about your issues behind the scenes with the team, but you’ve always been a brilliant writer. Very nice job bud!
Keep it up and congrats on the move. Hope it works out really well for you!
"Joe Jumpshot signs with the Wiley Coyotes for some number of years and a pile of money" isn't news; it's a hedline. It's data, not a story.
We live in a word now where CNN, The Weather Channel, ESPN, will all run the same 36 seconds of canned video a snappy chiron without any context, analysis, or application of editorial insight other than to out-Usain Bolt the competition to get something on the air.
The paper bag is we all pretend its newsworthy when it's not.
I do wonder how much credence there is to the idea behind “media crosshairs” and how many crosshairs Ethan is finding himself in front of by reporting stories to this degree. Would these two highly competitive titans take this exposé critically? Has Ethan ever gotten an ominous text after writing something of this nature? How contentious is this profession on the personal level?
Random journalistic practice I've always wondered about: What's the point of being like the 8th person to confirm a story? After the second person confirms it I really don't care anymore--and depending on who broke it originally I may not care after the first person.
Is it mostly pride? Professional obligation? Or were they just 2 minutes late in checking their phone?
So, who reps Woj and Shams? And does their representation also rep NBA players?
All this talk about Woj and Shams breaking stories feels dumb to me. Neither of these guys is digging through trash, following people around town, or even working low level team sources who are telling the reporters things they shouldn't. Every scoop they get is somebody leaking it to them for their own purposes. Like Rich Paul wanting to get the first "win" of the free agency period.
Oh, absolutely. It's another manifestation of the continued erosion of the power of the NBA and its teams, as compared to other constituencies. This tampering stuff is the Association desperately trying to preserve the illusion that players and agents are a lot more powerful than the public realizes.
Would you consider the Celtics to be a Woj team since he's from the Northeast and spent the whole Anthony Davis saga trying to hype Boston's assets through editorialized tweets.
What's missing here is any discussion of the stupidity and pointlessness of the NBA's "enforcing" the tampering rule that it knows no one follows. There are so many actual issues that the NBA faces (total devaluation of the regular season, falling ratings, the clear path/Eurofoul rule that is so easily fixable, etc) - why is Adam Silver wasting time and resources on this sham?
Terrific article, Ethan. This is what makes you unique in NBA circles- willing to say what you know, with honesty, without a desire to harm, but to let the truth be known. Here is the question that I have: Why do teams need Shams and Woj? If they were trading scoops for positive coverage, wouldn't that be far more effective with the local writers (since covering those teams isn't Shams and Woj's main job)? Couldn't the team go out what it wants to just as efficiently through Slater/McMenamin/McMahon/et al? Why do GM's/powerful execs need the newsbreakers? Is it a quid pro quo (where Shams/Woj are leaking crumbs to them on what other teams are doing)? That would make the most sense to me. If so, **that's** a huge story. But it would never come to light because it would harm both of the parties that could verify. I could only see it if one of the power players got toppled and then had nothing to lose by sharing (ala Tim Donaghy).
The only reason I would care is if the implication is that Shams wanted the Bulls to be penalized, for hiring an exec that favors Woz over him. THAT would be interesting. The rest is all self flagellation (by the news breakers, not you Ethan).
You correctly allude to the fact that no one should give a flying fig who breaks news first. But that’s simply another example of how shallow and superficial our society - and many of its people - really is. People should choose their media sources carefully, based on the quality and integrity of the product. Not based on who’s first.
But whatever.
Thanks Ethan. Your ability to see stories like this and put them together the way you do is the reason I chose to subscribe. I think what makes your clarity so startling is that your piece lays bare how out in the open so much of this is. But I would not have otherwise seen the connections you are reporting in that seemingly innocuous (albeit news breaking) tweet by Charania. When you first left The Athletic, I was concerned that development meant I would have less access to your reporting. But articles like this make me realize how much I am going to enjoy your writing with you unmoored (as you say in your Rachel Nichols piece ) by a “boss.”
Nice job Ethan. I have given you crap in the past about your issues behind the scenes with the team, but you’ve always been a brilliant writer. Very nice job bud!
Keep it up and congrats on the move. Hope it works out really well for you!
I don't understand why any team would leak info about FA signings. Or any other confidential team info. What is the competitive reason for doing such?
I'm also curious about this. Why do people tell Woj and Shams stuff? What's the incentive?
"Joe Jumpshot signs with the Wiley Coyotes for some number of years and a pile of money" isn't news; it's a hedline. It's data, not a story.
We live in a word now where CNN, The Weather Channel, ESPN, will all run the same 36 seconds of canned video a snappy chiron without any context, analysis, or application of editorial insight other than to out-Usain Bolt the competition to get something on the air.
The paper bag is we all pretend its newsworthy when it's not.
"The paper bag is we all pretend its newsworthy when it's not." Hehe. Fair enough
I do wonder how much credence there is to the idea behind “media crosshairs” and how many crosshairs Ethan is finding himself in front of by reporting stories to this degree. Would these two highly competitive titans take this exposé critically? Has Ethan ever gotten an ominous text after writing something of this nature? How contentious is this profession on the personal level?
Damn, now I’m nervous Woj is gonna use Benny the Bulll to lure Shams into a garage and silence his competition forever…
Random journalistic practice I've always wondered about: What's the point of being like the 8th person to confirm a story? After the second person confirms it I really don't care anymore--and depending on who broke it originally I may not care after the first person.
Is it mostly pride? Professional obligation? Or were they just 2 minutes late in checking their phone?
So, who reps Woj and Shams? And does their representation also rep NBA players?
All this talk about Woj and Shams breaking stories feels dumb to me. Neither of these guys is digging through trash, following people around town, or even working low level team sources who are telling the reporters things they shouldn't. Every scoop they get is somebody leaking it to them for their own purposes. Like Rich Paul wanting to get the first "win" of the free agency period.
CAA. And the point of the post, I think, is that dumb as this competition is, it's now potentially costing teams.
Oh, absolutely. It's another manifestation of the continued erosion of the power of the NBA and its teams, as compared to other constituencies. This tampering stuff is the Association desperately trying to preserve the illusion that players and agents are a lot more powerful than the public realizes.
Sorry, that should read a lot less powerful than the public realizes.
Would you consider the Celtics to be a Woj team since he's from the Northeast and spent the whole Anthony Davis saga trying to hype Boston's assets through editorialized tweets.
What's missing here is any discussion of the stupidity and pointlessness of the NBA's "enforcing" the tampering rule that it knows no one follows. There are so many actual issues that the NBA faces (total devaluation of the regular season, falling ratings, the clear path/Eurofoul rule that is so easily fixable, etc) - why is Adam Silver wasting time and resources on this sham?
I will share your stories when I can!
Good post. One thing - I think Sham’s tweet makes it clear Rich Paul is the source, right?
Ya, that was a missed phrasing by me. Corrected.
How did Stein get shoved to the side?
Future article