"Then the reality of cumulative sleeplessness set in, combined with a few bouts of sickness that kept my older boy home from preschool."

I'm a father of four children, all ages 12 and under. I feel this energy.

I also very distinctly recall the differences, as a father, in moving from one child to two. It made some of the happiest and proudest moments of my life, particularly in the bond it fostered between my and my oldest. But wow did it seem like a lot.

Nowadays of course two children seems like a holiday. The move from two to three - basically from man-to-man to zone, or from single-wing blocking where every one is accounted for to modern blocking where the defenders always outnumber the offense - puts those earlier experiences to shame.

I'm not even going to comment on what adding a fourth does. You possibly can relate though actually, as you wrote a book that covered it - about the Warriors adding Durant. It's the best mode for understanding the move - from three kids prevailing over you, your plans, and your best efforts, to four utterly dominating you. You know opposition is futile and laugh at the idea of even trying to fight it, of even conceiving of ambitions as you once did - like quitting your job to write about sports for a living, or taking a dump in peace without a toddler hanging around.

<fist bump of father solidarity>

In seriousness, it's all wonderful, part of a beautiful life, if, indeed, a fatigued one. Keep it up and enjoy; the years fly by my man.

May you and yours enjoy all blessings, peace, and strength, and keep the joy and faith. And if not, if it ever seems to be too much, to be getting to you or your wife, and you start to waiver or despair - or just be sad, grim, and hopeless more than a good parent and spouse should, please know you're not alone. Lots of folks are out here fighting the same fight - or have gotten through what you're facing and are on to the next battle - and are here for you. Other fathers, other husbands, other parents and other spouses, are here and happy to talk, support, and help, however any of us can.

Bless you all again, and thank you for the fine work you do and the joy and insight it brings me and many others.

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I know this got overly sentimental and maudlin, to the point of being awkward. I apologize, but that's what thinking back and reminiscing about my kids being babies, about all we've done and the road we still have before us, does to me!

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My two sons began 7th and 5th grade yesterday. It's insane how quickly it all flies by.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Ethan Strauss

The only content I currently pay for.

No ragrets.

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One of 3 for me, all three provide great value and quality

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Ethan Strauss

I’m very satisfied with my subscription Ethan. After listening to your pod with Saagar Enjeti today it struck me that being exposed to people and topics outside my bubble is what I’m most happy with. The eclectic list of topics and guests has exposed me to books I’ve subsequently read, podcasts I now follow and organizations I’ve contributed too. In that spirit and speaking of someone who was mentioned on the pod today, I’d love to hear your interview Andrew Yang. I think he fits your style and bipartisan spirit. Very logical problem solver. Also, I suspect, known by many of your audience members. Just an idea. No paywall on an interview like that could be great for subscriptions as he has many follows (like me) that would be very open to your content.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

Love the transparency of this post, both as a subscriber but also for people considering doing this themselves

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Rock on Ethan! You write clearly and with a perspective I don’t see anywhere else. I’m happy to be a subscriber. Best of luck in year 3. May your kids be healthy and your wife be loving.

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Enough teasing the subscriber numbers-> Set up the Strauss Index and let us see overall numbers + views for each article

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and then get the info on other substackers so we can compare and bet on it like fantasy

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love the model, very clarifying

Congrats on your family & success

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Agree, think there is a good balance of quality vs quantity here with the 2 articles/podcasts a week general rule - keeps the quality high but makes the articles/podcasts something worth spending your time on instead of a constant churn which ultimately burns you out and probably turns off subscribers as the quality drops off.

The media I pay for typically is 1-2 podcasts a week that are 1-2 hours long and I am happy to pay that, the ones that I got rid of were the ones that churned out 10-15 podcasts a week and I couldn’t be bothered listening to them all - as if I’m paying I want to enjoy all the content not feel obligated to consume it all because i paid for it (don’t quite have this issue paying for sports channels though).

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As a soon-to-be Dad, I appreciated the behind the scenes look at juggling baby, work and baby 2.

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When is Meghan Daum releasing the podcast? Would love to hear you as the guest for a change of pace.

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Not sure.

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Congratulations. I have very much enjoyed reading your work and take inspiration

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Congratulations, Ethan! Two great years in the books, with hopefully many more to come.

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This posts makes me feel bad for unsubscribing for a awhile when the content dried up for a couple months there (beating you while you were down!) but I’m happy you’ve found a system that works for you and I’m proud to be a supporter of the Strauss nanny fund.

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Ethan Strauss: "I can still say whatever I want here and have a family, which is not to be taken for granted in modern media."

Corporate Media: "Cancel Culture is a Right Wing Myth."

For that reason and some others, I'm glad to be a paying subscriber.

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As an old “boomer” as we are apt to be referred to it is refreshing to hear views that are both similar and different in the same podcast/article...Ethan’s writing is superb and his guests are fantastic...I must admit I was drawn to this by Ethan’s reputation and coverage on those early Warrior teams when Steph and crew were getting started...I have been very very satisfied and at the same happy that this has worked out for him...I’ve seen an increased output recently...keep it coming and hope your success continues...and yes I am conservative and that should have no bearing at all but in todays age I thought it appropriate to mention as mainstream right and left have more in common that they even realize...thank you Ethan for bringing some civility back to our media!

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The only Substack I follow and pay for! Can’t get enough of your content, Ethan. Your success is well deserved

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