Dec 7, 2021Liked by Ethan Strauss

Right on, 2 of my fave Ethan guests! Will episodes still make it onto the HoS podcast feed? Do I need to use Callin app and listen live or can I use my normal podcast app for the archived audio?

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I believe you gotta get the app for the phone. But hey, by all means jump in and ask a question if you listen live. In for a penny, in for a pound.

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According to https://www.callin.com/faqs, it's possible for the host to export audio to MP3 which you could then publish as a podcast. I for one would prefer to listen as a podcast.

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I love this for you. 👍🏻 I will listen to the first episode especially because Freddie will be on, but probably not live bc it’s late for EST.

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Damn you, Strauss. Callin app is only available for iPhone! Jessie S had mentioned this was supposed to change but ....?

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Obviously, drop a grand on a new iPhone today. Simple as.

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Don't tempt me with talk of THTV..

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This sounds really great!

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