Matt Klinman is a) My best friend since Middle School and b) the Co-Star of High Science, a new show on HBO Max that features Paul Bettany as an educational talking bong. Matt’s also something of a tech critic, who’s gone viral with his explanations of how Facebook killed a once thriving digital comedy scene.
Beyond his show premiering on 4/20, this was an ideal time for us to chat, given recent Musk vs. Substack machinations. We get into that, while also arguing a lot.
This pod discussion touches on, but is not limited to:
High Science as the show where it’s fun to learn
Trippy marine science facts
Matt thinks Musk attacked Substack because he “does things that suck because he sucks.” I demand a more granular explanation and we argue
Glass Onion is the most salient Musk satire. It’s also highly annoying to me
Matt lashes out at Matt Taibbi for being Gen X
Matt thinks our artistic nadir is more related to economics than Wokeness. I think Matt’s onto something but also in denial
Will AI kill us all? Do the nerds want to make it kill us all?
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