anyone else find the tech bro life hack culture really fucking stupid? What is the point of listening to a podcast at 3x? Seriously, why not watch netflix shows at that speed if you are just trying to get through them and not enjoy them.

Maybe because I moved out of silicon valley but anyone that talks like that I see them as a mark for some scammer because they believe they see "all the angles" and always trying to "get an edge" those same people, who a lot of my friends are lost a crap ton of money in crypto because they thought they were smarter than everyone else.

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Excellent podcast! Really enjoyed the wide ranging issues. I really liked how Daman was breaking down how content creators need to be business men too. That both worlds are intertwined. He's a really interesting guy. You guys seem to have a very natural chemistry in speaking with each other. I hope he comes on your pod more frequently.

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Always wondered who this guy is who pops up on the NBA Twittersphere feed. Good stuff. Love these long form podcast

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