anyone else find the tech bro life hack culture really fucking stupid? What is the point of listening to a podcast at 3x? Seriously, why not watch netflix shows at that speed if you are just trying to get through them and not enjoy them.

Maybe because I moved out of silicon valley but anyone that talks like that I see them as a mark for some scammer because they believe they see "all the angles" and always trying to "get an edge" those same people, who a lot of my friends are lost a crap ton of money in crypto because they thought they were smarter than everyone else.

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Hey Ian - first of all, I broadly agree with you. There’s this “drink Soylent and optimize your life, never worry again about food” strain amongst tech bros that I loathe as well and I can see how this could sound that way

I love podcasts, they are my personal meditation at this point. I truly hear the podcasts at 1x, I don’t know if it’s because of the volume of podcasts I listen to, or if my brain is wired “wrong” - I love podcasts too much to cheapen them. Part of this is that I use Overcast that manages the speed multiplier very well, it’s called “Smart Speed”. When I hear the podcasts at something like 2.5x which is my standard setting, I hear the voices in 1x. I’ve, in this case, spent lots of time talking to Ethan, when I listen to his podcasts, I don’t hear his voice differently at 2.5x. I’ve gradually gotten to this point

On video, I simply can’t. I am with you on that - if I am consuming any form of entertainment I don’t want it to ever be a chore, I can’t enjoy video at anything other than real-time and this, I don’t mess with it! (Netflix has recently introduced speed multipliers on video and it simply does not work for me)

Thanks for listening man - I appreciate it

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what hurts worse? your crypto losses or the fact that the lakers will never have sustained success because of the evils of inherited wealth?

There is a huge difference between listening or reading something and understanding it. Like Windy's "very fishy" comments would blow by everyone's head listening at 2.5x because the pauses are what is being really said, not his actual words. Seriously, there isn't enough content out there to justify listening fast and it just ruins the product.

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I actually feel bad about this a day later. I really enjoy your jokes on twitter and on podcasts.

Lakers still suck though.

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🤣🤣 all good. Lakers def still suck

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Excellent podcast! Really enjoyed the wide ranging issues. I really liked how Daman was breaking down how content creators need to be business men too. That both worlds are intertwined. He's a really interesting guy. You guys seem to have a very natural chemistry in speaking with each other. I hope he comes on your pod more frequently.

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Always wondered who this guy is who pops up on the NBA Twittersphere feed. Good stuff. Love these long form podcast

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