Andrew Sharp has a very particular set of skills, which is why Ben Thompson of Stratechery tapped him for a bold new podcast venture. Given that Sharp is, admittedly, not a tech expert, what is he doing co-hosting a tech podcast? Moreover, why is he ideal for such a role? Our conversation includes, but is not limited to:
Sharp’s odd knack for being a pod wingman
The Twitter files (Some of the conversation might be a sequel to last week with Ryan)
Why Sharp’s given himself over to the Elon News Era
Why we both think Musk is being dishonest in self presentation
Somehow we end up talking Trump
Is Elon 200 IQ Trump?
Civility is good
Is the “Karen” era on Twitter over?
The old Twitter days
The height of Grantland and its aftermath
We go long on LeBron
Why did Nike and the NBA bury Giannis’ rise?