House of Strauss
House of Strauss
HoS Pod: Andrew Sharp, GOAT Pod Wingman

HoS Pod: Andrew Sharp, GOAT Pod Wingman

The new co-host of Sharp Tech and Normie Tribune talks AI, Elon, Twitter files, Grantland aftermath, NBA's failure to market Giannis and more

Andrew Sharp has a very particular set of skills, which is why Ben Thompson of Stratechery tapped him for a bold new podcast venture. Given that Sharp is, admittedly, not a tech expert, what is he doing co-hosting a tech podcast? Moreover, why is he ideal for such a role? Our conversation includes, but is not limited to:

Sharp’s odd knack for being a pod wingman

The Twitter files (Some of the conversation might be a sequel to last week with Ryan)

  • Why Sharp’s given himself over to the Elon News Era

  • Why we both think Musk is being dishonest in self presentation

  • Somehow we end up talking Trump

  • Is Elon 200 IQ Trump?

  • Civility is good

  • Is the “Karen” era on Twitter over?

  • The old Twitter days

  • The height of Grantland and its aftermath

  • We go long on LeBron

  • Why did Nike and the NBA bury Giannis’ rise?

This post is for paid subscribers

House of Strauss
House of Strauss
A podcast about sports, politics, the future and technology.