I loved the Glasspiegal ones.

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I wish I had someone who could give me feedback about my job the way Spike does about yours.

Ethan - If you haven’t, listen to a couple episodes of Decoder. Nilay does a 2-3 minute intro to the interview guest (it is 50% too long in cases of more notable people, but generally good). But the structure of the interview is usually good.

There are 3-5 questions that appear on every episode about company structure and growth plans. The rest is a mix of questions about things the host finds interesting and “tell me more about that” questions.

Point being, it’s built where like half the interview is off script.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

the podcasts with regular guests are definitely a fun listen. But please continue to to interview new/different guests as well! I find these to be the most fascinating; they provide me with new authors to read, intriguing ideas to ponder, and lingering questions to wrestle with.

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Love the content on "appreciating LeBron" 😂

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Two things can be true: yes, the Bucks season was a failure and both the question and Giannis' answer were awesome because it provided insight into his character and the way he views the game/life. It's immaterial as to whether Giannis was right or wrong and/or if you agree with him; it was good content which is all journalism should be judged on.

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Just because 70% of the populace holds a certain view doesn't mean it's right or good.

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Since you're interviewing all the Bay Area sports commentators (on other episodes, not this one), you should interview "Uncle Alchemy." https://www.youtube.com/@AthleticAlchemy

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Absolutely no shot that 50% of people agree with Skip

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Don't get the JJ hate when he's responding to bombastic SAS's opinions like Kawhi needing to be forced into retirement and the opining about playing through injuries.

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This was a fantastic Pod, Ethan!

Considering you had Spike on for feedback, if I could offer a gentle suggestion as well; When Spike asks "Can I continue with my next tangent" instead of interjecting with a long (not-funny...sorry) comment about why it's okay, just say "By all means!" or "Go right ahead!".

For the most part on this pod, y'all were cruising down the highway beautifully at 74 MPH in a 65 MPH zone, and there were maybe one or two obvious times you had an unforced error. Otherwise, it was EXCELLENT!

As for the JJ Reddick take!

If anything JJ is a smart dude. I do not think he is deliberately being the Heel on "First Take". But, I also think he is deliberately staking out a different POV to generate interesting discussion and debate. If that makes him a Heel, I don't think he gives an eff.

Also, JJ gets to escape his 'persona non-grata' of 1st take, and be an actual chill, engaged, highly curious human being on his super popular podcast. So, he has an outlet, where he doesn't' always have to be a dick. And besides, JJ was an "Uber-Villain" playing at Duke. Stephen A, ain't gotta rattle his cage, nor is any of the viewers/listeners who cast stones at him, either.

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1. The return of Jurassic Park content!

2. It's pronounced Eric Name, he's an outstanding writer you should have my guy on.

3. Yes, obviously the Bucks season was a failure, it's one of the biggest failures in the history of sports and I'm still not ready to talk about it, Bucks Twitter remains in shambles but because our Unicorn Champion handled the presser so poorly we now have to pretend as if he's teaching us a valuable lesson about life.

4. Got a big smile out of the reference to my anti-Nick Wright post

5. Honestly, I don't think you should want to get any better as a podcaster. Your writing is very good and insightful and that's a medium where you can use precision to tackle tough and interesting topics. But when you are being loose and funny with Wos or whoever on a pod, that's a medium where you get to be likable and funny and self-deprecating.

For example: "Group Economics passes the ball to Freedom, alley oop to Love Us" is a hilarious aside in a funny pod with two guys you're comfortable with as everyone laughs and interrupts each other and changes the subject. This makes us like you, or at the very least enjoy the conversation.

Now imagine you doing the same bit by yourself in the professional Cowherd manner, or even the Clay Travis manner. All the same takes now seem scolding or racist or....dog whistley or...something.

Your strategy in my opinion should be: Pulitzer articles, loose stream of consciousness pods.

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LeBron clearly better than MJ lol

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I’m so glad I had the time to listen to this in full today - two smart guys talking about multiple subjects in which I’m interested...favorite quote: “the only people who say LeBron James is better than Michael Jordan either weren’t alive when Jordan played or are lying to you.” Thanks, Ethan.

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You've taken his advice to podcast with regular guests (your friends/long-time professional contacts) instead of strangers. I think it's helping, curious to see what he recommends here.

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