Lot of vaccine misinformation on here. Vaccines do reduce transmission as many well done studies show . Vaccine mandates kept people out of the hospital allowing health care workers to treat non-Covid patients and not have resources overwhelmed. As to the statement some countries don’t give MRNA vaccines to certain age groups, benefits outweigh risks but there is the Novavax vaccine which is very effective if people are skittish. Maybe New York went to mandates after bodies were piling up outside hospitals and vaccines were seen as a way to slow down deaths. As to - just asking questions here? Answers are there - listen to TWIV podcast - very good on virology . Catch Dan Wilson on you tube as he uses science to “ debunk the funk” of vaccine misinformation. Get a subscription to Nee England Journal of Medicine which constantly has articles on Covid related studies.
Ethan is like a lot of young people ( I’m 65) who have been force fed vaccine problems and haven’t appreciated the absence of Mumps, Measles, Polio , Pertussis , Rotavirus and other infections thwarted by vaccines.
Nonsense. If you were paying attention the covid vaccines were always described as a way of reducing the likelihood of severe symptoms, and somewhat reducing transmission, both as a result of lower viral load. They were never sold as a prophylactic. As yet we simply do not have the vaccine technology to stop coronaviruses in their tracks. And vaccines keeping people out of overloaded health systems was and still is absolutely worthwhile and saves lives.
Who told you "the vaccine will stop the virus", Mr Barkan? Were you actually told that in the US? Or are you over-simplifying and mis-remembering the message?
We were never told that in Australia - we were told the truth of what science knew at the time: the vaccine will likely keep you out of hospital, and will reduce your contagiousness to some extent (due to lower viral load). And that's why people were asked to distance, wear masks in public places (a mask reduces your chances of transmitting it by about 70%, getting it by about 30% - that's why it was a PUBLIC health measure), and so on. It was also emphasised that keeping people out of hospital was what we all needed, because the health system was strained to breaking point.
The world pretending the pandemic is over is a cryng shame for the millions now struggling to deal with debilitating long covid with very little support (I know 2 previously very healthy people who have had it over a year), organ damage such as lung scarring; and the further millions who are accutely vulnerable to the virus and still living in complete isolation because the general public can't be bothered to protect them in public places by wearing a mask. Personally, I find that pathetic. The pandemic isn't over, and the fallout will resonate deep into the decade for a significant portion of the population because few seem to realise we live in communities.
A final point is a bit of science you should be aware of - unlike the common cold, the research shows that the more times you get this virus, the more likely you are to have an extreme side-effect. So, when in a few years the pan-valent coronavirus vaccine (targetting all coronoviruses) currently under development emerges from stage 4 clinical trials, I suggest you get the shot.
Barkan lost me with the climate misinformation. I am sick to death of people who have obviously never read one word of climate science bundling it up with extreme social wokeism and dismissing it as somehow "alarmist". It's not. It's extremely highly scrutinised peer-reviewed science, and it is telling us extremely alarming things.
Guess what the actual science tells us? Climate change is moving much faster than we hoped, at the upper range of most predictions. The scale and pace of the disasters it is unleashing is completely unprecendent, from a quarter of Australia's SE forests burning down in 2020, to the Amazon flipping from carbon sink to carbon source in the past few years, and methane release from permafrost and ocean clathrates; all of which are REINFORCING FEEDBACKS that make the issue worse, btw.
It is absolutely a threat to global human civilisation as we know it, this century. It has already mobilised hundreds of millions of climate refugees and threatens global food supply, leaving half a billion people (and rising) on the edge of starvation. And guess what happens when people have to move on a planet already over-stuffed with 8bn people and hard political boundaries? Human CONFLICT. The US military describes climate change as the ultimate "threat multiplier" because it accelerates conflict over water, food and other resources, and increases risks from disease, terrorism and other chaotic vectors.
So, enough with lumping climate science - and the clear warnings it has been screaming for us to act on for three decades (while instead we have worsened the issue of emission by over 50% since 1990) - in with social wokeism. One threatens identity, the other threatens EXISTENCE.
Ethan, did we do something to offend you, resulting in ANOTHER insufferably smug Brooklynite? Wasn’t Freddie enough? Looking forward to your return to amusingly acerbic guests!
Lot of vaccine misinformation on here. Vaccines do reduce transmission as many well done studies show . Vaccine mandates kept people out of the hospital allowing health care workers to treat non-Covid patients and not have resources overwhelmed. As to the statement some countries don’t give MRNA vaccines to certain age groups, benefits outweigh risks but there is the Novavax vaccine which is very effective if people are skittish. Maybe New York went to mandates after bodies were piling up outside hospitals and vaccines were seen as a way to slow down deaths. As to - just asking questions here? Answers are there - listen to TWIV podcast - very good on virology . Catch Dan Wilson on you tube as he uses science to “ debunk the funk” of vaccine misinformation. Get a subscription to Nee England Journal of Medicine which constantly has articles on Covid related studies.
Ethan is like a lot of young people ( I’m 65) who have been force fed vaccine problems and haven’t appreciated the absence of Mumps, Measles, Polio , Pertussis , Rotavirus and other infections thwarted by vaccines.
Those are actual vaccines. They stop people from getting those diseases.
That's what our betters told us the Covid vaccine was. It's not.
Nonsense. If you were paying attention the covid vaccines were always described as a way of reducing the likelihood of severe symptoms, and somewhat reducing transmission, both as a result of lower viral load. They were never sold as a prophylactic. As yet we simply do not have the vaccine technology to stop coronaviruses in their tracks. And vaccines keeping people out of overloaded health systems was and still is absolutely worthwhile and saves lives.
Who told you "the vaccine will stop the virus", Mr Barkan? Were you actually told that in the US? Or are you over-simplifying and mis-remembering the message?
We were never told that in Australia - we were told the truth of what science knew at the time: the vaccine will likely keep you out of hospital, and will reduce your contagiousness to some extent (due to lower viral load). And that's why people were asked to distance, wear masks in public places (a mask reduces your chances of transmitting it by about 70%, getting it by about 30% - that's why it was a PUBLIC health measure), and so on. It was also emphasised that keeping people out of hospital was what we all needed, because the health system was strained to breaking point.
The world pretending the pandemic is over is a cryng shame for the millions now struggling to deal with debilitating long covid with very little support (I know 2 previously very healthy people who have had it over a year), organ damage such as lung scarring; and the further millions who are accutely vulnerable to the virus and still living in complete isolation because the general public can't be bothered to protect them in public places by wearing a mask. Personally, I find that pathetic. The pandemic isn't over, and the fallout will resonate deep into the decade for a significant portion of the population because few seem to realise we live in communities.
A final point is a bit of science you should be aware of - unlike the common cold, the research shows that the more times you get this virus, the more likely you are to have an extreme side-effect. So, when in a few years the pan-valent coronavirus vaccine (targetting all coronoviruses) currently under development emerges from stage 4 clinical trials, I suggest you get the shot.
Barkan lost me with the climate misinformation. I am sick to death of people who have obviously never read one word of climate science bundling it up with extreme social wokeism and dismissing it as somehow "alarmist". It's not. It's extremely highly scrutinised peer-reviewed science, and it is telling us extremely alarming things.
Guess what the actual science tells us? Climate change is moving much faster than we hoped, at the upper range of most predictions. The scale and pace of the disasters it is unleashing is completely unprecendent, from a quarter of Australia's SE forests burning down in 2020, to the Amazon flipping from carbon sink to carbon source in the past few years, and methane release from permafrost and ocean clathrates; all of which are REINFORCING FEEDBACKS that make the issue worse, btw.
It is absolutely a threat to global human civilisation as we know it, this century. It has already mobilised hundreds of millions of climate refugees and threatens global food supply, leaving half a billion people (and rising) on the edge of starvation. And guess what happens when people have to move on a planet already over-stuffed with 8bn people and hard political boundaries? Human CONFLICT. The US military describes climate change as the ultimate "threat multiplier" because it accelerates conflict over water, food and other resources, and increases risks from disease, terrorism and other chaotic vectors.
So, enough with lumping climate science - and the clear warnings it has been screaming for us to act on for three decades (while instead we have worsened the issue of emission by over 50% since 1990) - in with social wokeism. One threatens identity, the other threatens EXISTENCE.
Ethan, did we do something to offend you, resulting in ANOTHER insufferably smug Brooklynite? Wasn’t Freddie enough? Looking forward to your return to amusingly acerbic guests!
I’m on team Dolan. Lawyers are the least sympathetic victims too.
Chana masala++