Podcasts subreddits can be interesting. The Dan Lebatard Show subreddit is just a steady stream of people longing for the ESPN or 790 The Ticket version of the show, which must be a delight to read for the existing Meadowlark crew.

Something about podcasts and radio that makes listeners feel like they’re friends with the hosts, which manifests into this sense of betrayal on Reddit when a show can’t be the best version of itself for decades on end.

Remember when Dan was this bold contrarian for siding with players and talking about race? Things have changed since he started gasbagging on the airwaves.

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think that Ethan had the Bill Simmons subreddit in mind because he has mentioned it multiple times previously. Almost every time I’ve gone on that subreddit is because there was something missing or so obviously so wrong that I wanted to make sure I wasn’t crazy. Although a week or two ago there was an episode that was so good that I wanted to see what other people thought. Guy mentioned Apple and Tesla but I think those are filled with fanboys. I could be wrong because I might go on those once a year. I think that the subreddits are geared toward those that feel strongly in one way or another, but with media it’s much easier to feel strongly in the negative direction IMO (touches on an Amin theme). For example, if an episode is merely average or good, how many people would feel the need to put in effort to say something about it.

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To be fair, Reddit allows people to keep up with a show or pod without listening.

I listened to basically every LeBatard show for a dozen years, then it fell off and I could see the whole thing getting worse so I lost interest. The algorithm knows that I'm interested in how much the show sucks now, so it keeps showing me posts and I keep clicking on them. I don't post, but I still sorta care

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Imagine Rfk Jr running with Guy, you could combine them for a whole voice. All jokes aside hope it all heals well!

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larry Krueger said knbr couldn’t pay him enough to come back…I wonder if knbr/the game would simply liscence larry or guy’s show for rebroadcast

Also, who is left from niners YouTube that hasn’t been on HoS? Just Vish?

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Vish and The Coach! There are others but I’m a fan of those two

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A few years back the Bucks hired Lisa Byington to pair with Marques Johnson on local broadcasts. Sometimes she does a studio interview or a guest appearance on a national show. On those occasions I find her to be very pleasant and insightful.

On Bucks broadcasts, she REALLY CRANKS UP THE ENERGY and comes off like a Boom Goes the Dynamite Parody of Breen mixed with Chris Berman. The problem in my opinion is: her voice lacks the jolly resonance of a Suzyn Waldman or Fabulous Sports Babe and therefore...the whole presentation is corny and inauthentic. And Lisa generally knows her stuff.

Voice tonality matters, although I would disagree that the "New York style" is the only way to succeed.

(Doris seems to have mastered the librarian style of broadcasting)

I would argue that what many fans seem to want has been optimized in all these player podcasts: One boring white guy asking questions to an off the rails ex-jock

As to this interview: Yeah, his voice needs to get better. Hopefully it does

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lol. Yes, Marques Johnson is imo the best bball color guy around. But the Bucks broadcasts have been noticeably meh w Lisa Byington. Wasn't sure if it was just my natural sexist tendencies, but it's unfortunately made MJ way less enjoyable than usual.

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Lisa's simultaneously doing play by play and color commentary plus she has no natural connection to the team or the market. She's a professional, but in a state where Uecker and McGlocklin and Paschke and all the Packers guys had jobs forever, it's....kinda whatever

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I live in Wisconsin and actually find find her voice insufferable. I definitely watch fewer Bucks games since they hired her and when I do I usually mute the TV and listen to a podcast when watching. For some reason, it seems like women play by play announcers are more prone to over do it with with the fake announcer voice. I find it annoying when men do it too, but for whatever reason it just sounds more contrived from a woman to my ear. But I am also in the minority who think both Kevin Harlan and Gus Johnson are awful, they are both way too heavy handed in my opinion. When you raise your voice and get excited for every play it loses its impact when there is a legitimately important moment during the game that actually warrants the excited call.

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I was sorry to see Haberman and Middlekauff break up. That was my go-to Bay sports podcast. Good to see Haberman's hairline remains immaculate though

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I liked Ethan’s tentative take that football FO people might not entirely great at what they do. I think we’re in a pre-moneyball era in football, because stats are harder to calculate than in baseball. Computer vision might eventually solve that, and FOs will turn over to quants instead of people who are willing to work 120 hr weeks for DII college teams for $17k grad student stipends.

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The recording and how it's processed, mixed, mastered, and then the speakers the voice recording is played through are subtle yet crucial factors in a voice recording or broadcast. With music, like Led Zeppelin for example, the way Zeppelin's music sounds, particularly on albums, was developed by Jimmy Page in the mix stage. Just a simple microphone change can make a singers voice that much better.

The other thing is the type of mic you're using, which is specifically called a dynamic mic. The Shure SM58 is probably the most popular live music vocal mic. The two most popular mics for broadcasting, radio, podcasts, etc are the Shure SM7b and the Electro-Voice RE20. I think Colin Cowherd uses an RE20.

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Ethan's collapsing SM58 is my favorite part of every podcast.

The SM7b seems like the hottest mic now (Joe Rogan's mic), I'll have to watch for it today on TV but I think Colin is on the RE27N, you can tell the difference from the RE20 (which I used on this show) by the shine on the RE27N and slight difference in the grill pattern.

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Yeah, I couldn't remember if he used the RE27 or just the 20, both are good mics. The SM7b is certainly one of if not the most popular for podcasts. It's also used for vocals on some of the best albums ever.

At end of the day, it's the performance of a broadcaster, singer, voiceover artist, etc. that accounts for perhaps 90% of the production. It's the excellence in performance that keeps people coming back.

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Yeah, I couldn't remember if he used the RE27 or just the 20, both are good mics. The SM7b is certainly one of if not the most popular for podcasts. It's also used for vocals on some of the best albums ever.

At end of the day, it's the performance of a broadcaster, singer, voiceover artist, etc. that accounts for perhaps 90% of the production. It's the excellence in performance that keeps people coming back.

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The pipes, the pipes, are calling...

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