I’m aware that I’m not always the most responsive Site Dictator, but that’s about to change. Having enjoyed all the comments from paid subscribers over these past two years, I want to open things up a bit and take emails.
Doing this will hopefully help me understand what you’re all thinking about, plus give inspiration to go after certain topics. It’s made no sense that I’ve resisted the classic Mailbag gimmick to this point and I have zero excuses for having forestalled here. Was I being a hipster in refusing to do what works? Am I merely lazy? Just know I want your questions sent to houseofstrauss@substack.com. Oh, and you can submit questions in the comments below as well, of course.
Looking forward to your emails!
Let’s go straight to the third rail. We are seeing athletes do more at a much older age. Surely a large piece of that is exercise science but their have always been rumors of trips to Germany or Miami after a players has had his last drug test of the year.
How rampant are the PEDs in the NBA and should we care other than for historical statistical comparisons?
Just as a general note, I really enjoy hearing about the world of “backstage” ESPN. What people are really like off the air, the turf battles, the corporate politicking of it all. Some of your best writing and endlessly fascinating.