How Athletes Repel the Public On Brittney Griner
What's behind the unpersuasive call to action?

Usually, when I write a post, I have a vague idea of how it will do. Over time, you develop a sense of whether you’re working with a topic that’s organically interesting to readers vs. when you’re working with a topic where the reader must be drawn in through compelling expository.
On this topic, however, I’m totally in the dark, and in a way that feels unusual. The story itself is tragic, fascinating and largely well-known. It should grip the reader. At the same time, there are indicators that it does not compel the reader. Indeed, the only people who appear all that invested are media workers, sports stars and politicians. But doesn’t the public listen to them? Aren’t these our cultural tastemakers? Perhaps they were, maybe they still are, but here, not so much. And that means something. It speaks to a certain disconnect, felt more broadly. So here goes.